E-Dama is a website that has been operating continuously since 2007 and is dedicated to the draughts game. On E-Dama you can play this popular and interesting game against players from all over the world, and so far on E-Dama over 66,000 games of draughts were played, involving more than 300 players from all over the world, including most of the world's strongest correspondence players.
In addition, E-Dama also contains a rich archive of games, which is constantly updated with games from all important draughts competitions from around the world.
We are proud that E-Dama has never contained advertisements, and all content is freely available all the time.
After 17 years in which all the content was maintained, programmatically and financially, exclusively by Čedomir Igaly, the time has come when we ask our members for cooperation and help. The minimum costs for the maintenance of E-Dama are 40 EUR per month and we will try to collect these funds exclusively through voluntary contributions.
Here is the list of already collected funds. If you need any additional information, please contact goran.igaly@e-dama.net.
Thank you!