Game type:International draughts
Tournament name:Second Team Championship - 2013
Tournament description:

We invite all interested players to the Second Team Championship - 2013

On the Championship there will be national teams consisting of four players from the same country, and a mixed teams composed of players from different countries.

If, for some country there will be more than four players, such country can participate with more teams.

Each team must designate a contact person who will be captain of this team. Team captain registers the team and sets the arrangement of players regarding the boards.

System of competition. Each player plays one game against every player on the same board. So, a player on the first board will play against all players in other teams at the first board, etc.

Tournament starts at the 29 October 2013 at 1200 (noon). Deadline for team registrations for the tournament is 28 October 2013 at 1200 (noon).

Tempo. Each player is allowed 120 days for the first 50 moves plus 50 days to complete the game. According to past experience of playing on, such pace of the game is acceptable to all players.

Registration fee. There is no registration fee for this team competition.

Prizes Currently we do not have ability to give prices. If we find some sponsor, we will give some prizes, too. We invite all of ou members to help us in finding sponsors.

We wish you a lot of success in the tournament,

Cedomir and Goran Igaly

Email address for team registration and for all information about tournament - (Goran Igaly)

Aditional details about the tournament are available on tournament wiki page

Tournament code:TC2013
Director:Goran Igaly (Send private message)
Number of teams:12
Number of boards:4
Number of games:1
Results:Tournament Table
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Number White Black Stat date Last change date Move Result Status White time Black time