Calendar of Tournaments

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On this page you can find the list of tournaments which will be organized on

You can also add your tournament, at least 6 months in advance (in exceptional situations this period can be reduced to three months). The purpose of this is to allow our playrers to make a plan and decide on which tournaments they will take part.

Please include for every tournament the following data:

  • Tournament Name
  • Organizer
  • Date of tournament start
  • Tempo
  • Name of tournament administrator (contact person)
  • Name of tournament judge
  • Tournament fee (if there is any)
  • Who is allowed to register
  • Prizes

WCDA Tournaments

To enter a tournament you must be a member of the WCDA. That means that you pay every year a membership fee. Members will receive the WCDA Magazine. The final schedule (dates) will follow later.

Open Dutch championship

  • Recurrence: every year
  • Start date: 1 January every year

WCDA Cup every year

  • Recurrence: every year
  • Start date 1 September every year.

WCDA World Championship

  • Recurrence: every year
  • Start date 1 May every year

Ongoing tournaments of 8 players

  • Start Every time 8 players have paid the inscription fee.

Players play 2 games with every other player, with black and white

Tournaments organized by e-dama

Second e-dama Team Championship

  • Start: 15 November 2012
  • Contact person: Goran Igaly (
  • Arbiter: Goran Igaly
  • Tournament Fee: 5 Euros per team (to be confirmed)
  • Description: Every team consists of four players.... etc

Second e-dama Open Championship

  • Planned start date: 15 September 2012
  • This tournament will be organized every two years
  • Participation - 5 Euros per player. The money collected will be used for site maintenance and development. Players with more than 100 game finished on can play for free if they want. But, their donation will be accepted. If 5 euros is too much for you to pay, you can ask organizers to play for free.
  • If more than 12 players will be registered for the tornament, players will be divided into groups according to nmber of games finished on Players with most games finished will play in the first group etc.

Here is the table of how players will be divided into groups in case of more than 12 players: 8+5, 8+6, 8+7, 9+7, 10+7, 10+8, 11+8, 11+9, 12+9, 9+7+6, 10+7+6, 10+8+6, 11+8+6, 11+9+6, 11+9+7, 12+9+7, 9+7+7+6, 10+7+7+6, 10+8+7+6, 11+8+7+6, 11+9+7+6, 11+9+7+7, 11+9+8+7, 11+10+8+7, 11+10+9+7, 12+10+9+7, 12+10+9+8, 12+11+10+8, 12+12+10+8, 12+10+8+6+6, 12+10+8+7+6, 12+10+9+7+6, 12+10+8+8+6, etc...

If we find sponsors, there will be prizes for the first three places. If you want to be a sponsor, please contact Dr. Goran Igaly at the email address

e-dama Rating Tournaments

Rating tournaments will be organized every year or every two years and will begin in summer (end of July) as an introduction to new tournament season. Players will be divided in groups of approximately 10 players, according to their position on the e-dama rating list in the moment of tournament announcement - one month before start.

e-dama "unplugged"

  • Description: This is the tournament where participants take obligation not to use any kind of help or assistance (computer or human) i.e. they can only use board for analysis.
  • Tempo - standard tempo, but we will consider the possibility of measuring real time spent for thinking, to make game more real. In this case, we will limit the time allowed for thinking to one or two hours (to be confirmed)
  • Planned time for start - 15 May 2012
  • Details about e-dama "unplugged" tournaments

General rules (non-official proposal)

  • Tempo: If not indicated differently tempo for playing is 120 days for 50 moves + 50 days for end of game
  • Player who will not finish more than half games in tournament without explanation must pay additional fee for the next tournament in amount of 3 euros
  • Every player can take a leave of 30 days and it can be used in two parts.
  • Player who will not make a move in 6 weeks (42 days) will automatically lose the game.
  • Mini and Midi tournaments are opened for all players, free of charge
  • On national tournaments with at least 8 domestic players, all players from this country can play without registration fee, and registration fee for other players is 2 Euros

Vremenska kontrola i upozorenja

Igračima kojima prijeti opasnost od prekoračenja dozvoljenog vremena šalju se upozorenja putem e-pošte na adresu navedenu pri registraciji. Upozorenja se šalju sljedećom dinamikom - 1. upozorenje ako igrač ne povuče barem 10 poteza u prvih 48 dana - 2. upozorenje ako igrač ne povuče barem 20 poteza u prvih 81 dan - 3. upozorenje ako igrač ne povuće barem 30 poteza za 104 dana - 4. upozorenje ako igrač ne povuče barem 40 poteza z prvih 117 dana - 5. upozorenje ako igrač ne povuče barem 45 poteza za 145 dana - Ako igrač nakn utrošenih 121 dan ne povuče svoj 50. potez, automatski gubio partiju bez prava žalbe. U slučaju gubitka 16 partije bez borbe u roku od godine dana (odnosno uslijed prekoračenja vremena tj. partija koje mora okončati sudac turnira) igraču se privremeno zabranjuje prijava na sve turnire osim mini turnira, a u slučaju gubitka 20 i više partija igraču se zabranjuje i samostalna prijava na mini turnire - i zabrana prijave na turnire traje do onog dana kada je u posljednjih godinu dana igrač završio sve svoje partije regularnim načinom (tj. nije niti jednu partiju izgubio jednostavnim odustajanjem zbog čega je morao intervenirati sudac). Igrač koji iz nekog razloga nije u mogućnosti igrati redovito može uzeti redoviti odmor, a u slučaju bolesti može o tome izvijestiti voditelja turnira i u dogovoru s ostalim igračima produljiti rok za razmišljanje ili ga se može brisati s turnira bez posljedica

Osiguravanje kontinuiteta MINI turnita

Cilj MINI turnira je omogućiti igračima na e-dama kontinuirano sudjelovanje na manjim turnirima i kontakt s ostalim igračima Na ove turnire se može prijaviti svatko. Iz dosadašnjeg iskustva smo primijetili da dio igrača nikada ni ne započne igrati svoje partije. Ili, odigra jedan potez i nakon toga se više ne javlja. Da bismo to izbjegli i ostalim igračima omogućili zanimljivo natjecanje u kojemu sudjeluje 5 igrača, od 1.6.2012. uvodimo pravilo po kojem svaki igrač na mini turniru mora u roku od 3 tjedna nakon početka turnira odigrati u svim partijama barem po 2 poteza, inače se briše s turnira. U slučaju brisanja nekog igrača s turnira, tog igrača automatski zamjenjuje jedan od igrača koji su se doborovoljno prijavili na popis "stalnih rezervnih igrača" tj. na popis igrača koji su spremni uskakati u takvim slučajevima, kako bi se turnir nesmetano priveo kraju u punom sastavu. U toj skupini bit će ozbiljni igrači, s velikim iskustvom igranja na Pokušat ćemo kao zamjenu ubaciti igrača koji je po rejtingu najbliži prosječnoj snazi preostalih igrača na turniru.

Ako želite biti u ovom timu "rezervnih igrača", molim da me kontaktirate na adresu